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Disposable mud applications with thermal compress
If you want to appreciate all the merits and unique healing properties of Sivash mud, order this product.
You were satisfied with the obtained effect: the mud has an anti-inflammatory, tonic and strengthening effect, contributing to the effect on immunity and the body as a whole.
Sivash mud applications with thermal compress - IT'S CRAFT!
Packaging: 10 disposable application hermetically sealed bags and 1 hermetically sealed thermal compress (if necessary) in a cardboard box.
Sizes of applications: 350x275 mm (volume 300 g -1 application) or 275x170 mm (volume 150 g -1 application).
Storage conditions: Packaging with single-use storage applications in a dry, cool place, protected from atmospheric precipitation, sunlight and heat sources, at temperatures from 0 to +20 °C. Before use, it is necessary to warm the application package in the air to room temperature.
Storage period: 6 months from the date of packaging.
Disposable bags with Sivas mud in combination with a thermal compress are a novelty in mud treatment, which allows for the economical use of expensive raw materials, the low labour-intensiveness and aesthetics of the method, as well as the absence of adverse balneological reactions, obtain a high therapeutic effect.
The specially developed design of the package, one side of which is a polypropylene film, and the other side is a non-woven permeable fabric, ensures free penetration of the biologically active elements of the therapeutic mud into the skin and organs. The reusable hot thermal compress, which has a high heat capacity and plasticity, gradually heats the application, transferring heat to local areas of the body and initiating the transport of the active substances of the mud to the tissues and organs.
- Diseases of the organs of support and movement: rheumatic polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, arthritis, arthrosis, ankylosing spondylitis (Bechterev's disease), traumatic injuries of bones, tendons, muscles, consequences of bruises and fractures, bursitis, heel spurs, the condition after operations on the joints or the spine, intervertebral hernias (without the use of a thermocompress).
- Diseases of the hepatobiliary system (digestive organs): chronic cholecystitis, cholangitis, biliary tract and gallbladder dyskinesia, chronic gastritis with reduced and increased acidity, peptic ulcer in remission, pancreatitis.
- Diseases of the peripheral nervous system: plexitis, neuritis, radiculoneuritis, functional disorders of the nervous system, neuralgia of the intercostal nerves, paralysis.
- Skin diseases: psoriasis, seborrhea, eczema, neurodermatitis, allergies, lichen planus, ichthyosis, scars after burns, wounds and surgical interventions, cellulite.
- Urological diseases: chronic prostatitis, urethritis, chronic stoneless pyelonephritis, chronic cystitis, impotence, pelvic adhesion disease, infertility.
- Gynaecological diseases: infertility, chronic adnexitis, chronic endometritis, pelvic adhesions.
- Diseases of the respiratory tract: residual effects after acute pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, chronic tonsillitis, chronic sinusitis, sinusitis.
- Increase of immunity, and general tone of the body.
- pain syndrome in the acute stage;
- febrile conditions of various origin;
- active tuberculous process of the lungs and bronchial lymph nodes, abdomen and nodes of the abdominal cavity;
- cardiovascular insufficiency, starting from circulatory insufficiency of the 2nd degree (with pronounced atherosclerosis, hypertension, small applications are permissible);
- diseases of the blood and hematopoietic organs (malignant anemia, leukemia, pseudoleukemia);
- malignant and benign neoplasms, the state after their radical treatment (operative or radiation energy);
- metabolic diseases and endocrine diseases that occur with increased dissimilation, such as thyrotoxicosis, Addison's disease, and diabetes (small application areas are acceptable);
- kidney diseases: nephritis, nephrosis, nephrosclerosis, kidney stones;
- amyloidosis of internal organs;
- epilepsy;
- bleeding of various organs;
- pregnancy (second half) and lactation period;
- severe pain syndrome in the joints or in the spine, in the area of the right hypochondrium;
- general medical contraindications to the appointment of mud.
According to the appointment of a doctor or cosmetologist, the number of disposable bags with therapeutic mud and the area of application is determined. Preparatory measures are carried out: open 1 bag with an application and warm it to room temperature naturally (in the air). To heat the thermal compress in the conditions of sanatoriums, SRA-salon or mud treatment rooms, a water bath-type heater or a dry-air thermal cabinet is used. The heating time of the thermal compress in the water heater is 20-30 minutes, and in the thermal cabinet - 2-3 hours at a fixed temperature of 50-60 °C. At home, an ordinary container filled with water at a temperature of 60-70 °C can be used to heat a thermal compress, in which a thermal compress at room temperature is placed for 20-25 minutes or a household thermal cabinet with a fixed temperature (50-60 °C). To control the procedural temperature of the compress, an ordinary thermometer with a scale of 70-100 °C is used: the thermal compress is taken out of the heated chamber, quickly kneaded and, after bending in half, place the thermometer between the two halves. The working temperature of the thermocompress should be in the range of 50-55 °C. A blanket, oilcloth, and sheet are successively placed on the couch.
The patient lies down on a prepared couch, a disposable bag with therapeutic mud at room temperature is applied to the necessary part of the body, and then a heated thermal compress of the appropriate size is placed on top of it, after which the layer-by-layer wrapping is completed. In other options, one or more heated thermal compresses are placed randomly on the couch, then disposable bags with mud are placed on them, and the patient lies down on the appliqués, after which he is finally rolled out. At the same time, you should pay attention to the fact that the entire package fits the body, ensuring close contact with the skin with the entire surface of the peloid. it is easy to achieve, and thanks to thermocompression it is easy to model, according to the contours of the body.
After 25-30 minutes, the disposable mud bag and thermal compress are removed. The patient's skin is cleaned from the remains of the mud solution with the help of a wet napkin. After use, disposable bags are transferred to the trash without opening and disposed of in the usual way. If necessary, the thermocompress is cleaned of residual mud, washed with warm running water and disinfected (for example, with a 0.2% solution of chlorantoin or 76% ethyl alcohol).
The doctor prescribes the mud treatment scheme and the procedure release technology.
If the doctor has not recognized otherwise, follow the following peloidotherapy parameters:
- Procedures should be followed with a thermal compress temperature of 45-48 °C; The duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes;
- Procedures are performed every other day;
- 10-15 procedures per course of treatment;
- It is not allowed to reuse the same disposable mud applications for different needs;
- The smell of hydrogen sulfide and a change in the colour of the application (due to oxidation of the surface layer and salt crystallization) are normal and are not signs of product unusability. The intensity of these manifestations varies in a fairly wide range, which is characteristic of natural compounds. There are also certain differences in the moisture content of the peloid. Do not drain the liquid fraction of mud that has peeled off from the bag.
With full hot rotation, there is a risk of orthostatic damage during installation (lifting from the couch). When using disposable applications, special attention should be paid to the temperature of the thermal compress: it cannot be heated to a temperature above 60 °C, otherwise, the danger of burns is reported. In addition, overheating negatively affects the biological component of therapeutic mud, which significantly reduces the effect of its use. When using hot applications in combination with drugs and other agents that cause a local hyperemic effect, skin irritation may occur.