IT’S CRAFT is a social enterprise, which mission is to develop human potential in small communities in the field of creative industries (craft production, handicrafts, arts), cultural and economic development, revival and modernization of Ukraine's cultural heritage. We provide consulting and financial support to startups and craftmens. The budget of the Fund's programs grows every year because 30 to 50% of the profits of the platform's activity are accumulated in the Charity Found "IT'S CRAFT" and other 50% of the profins investing in ogranithation development.


Every craftsman has the opportunity to develop a profitable business in Ukraine.


We train, promote and scale craftspeople and revive cultural heritage.

Strategic goals:

1. Development of human potential in the creative industries, craft production, art, and promotion of Ukraine's cultural heritage. 

2. Strengthening the capacity of artisans in small and rural communities of Ukraine.

3. Building a positive image of Ukrainian culture and Ukrainian entrepreneurship in the international arena.

Problems we solve:

  • Limited opportunities for the development of micro-producers and artisans in Ukraine.
  • Inferiority complex among Ukrainians due to ignorance of history and devaluation of cultural heritage.


  • Strengthening the commercial capacity of artisans and craftspeople - an online store and marketplace for selling and promoting products of micro-producers and artisans.
  • Strengthening the organisational capacity of artisans and craftspeople - financial support programs, promotion at public events, consulting, training.
  • Cultural and educational special projects - organizing literary competitions and publishing fiction, supporting artists through art residencies and exhibitions and sales. 

Social impact 2020 - 12. 2023:

  • 125 manufacturers on the platform.
  • 6 enterprises received reimbursable grants in the amount of UAH 130,000.
  • 5 people received mini-grants to make prototypes of creative products.
  • 74 artists took part in a charity art project to support the occupied territories.
  • 24 writers created works and were published as part of the Centauri competition.

What we do

We promote the cultural and economic development of artists through support programmes, and support the development of micro-entrepreneurs in the agro-processing and creative industries through consultations, promotion, sales promotion and partnership events. 

The Foundation's programme budget is growing every year thanks to:

  • refundable contributions from the winners of previous years;
  • our social contribution - 50% of the profit of the This is Craft store is accumulated in the Charitable Foundation;
  • contributions from the founders of the Tse Kraft social enterprise.

The budget of the charity fund is divided into several programs:

  • IT'S CRAFT Revolving Fund - repayable interest-free financial assistance to startups and children's entrepreneur-manufacturers to scale their activities.
  • Permanent Competition of Creators - grants for services of making creative products or their parts.
  • Kentavrida Program - a grant competition for the publication of children's books based on the stories and legends of the Ukrainian South (valid from 2022). The program is funded by charitable contributions from the founders of the fund.
  • Kherson Region is Ukraine is an artistic charity project aimed at supporting the occupied regions of Ukraine in Russia's undeclared war against Ukraine. Through art events and the sale of artwork and merchandise with prints, we raise funds to restore cultural monuments and support the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the liberation of southern Ukraine from the Russian invasion. Implemented jointly with the NGO "Agency for Regional Development of the Tavrian Association of Territorial Communities"
  • Regional Support Program for Craft Producers and Artisans is an educational, mentoring program with subsequent support in brand promotion and sales of goods for micro-producers, craftsmen, artisans. The program aims to build a new vision of the Ukrainian nation based on our history, culture, traditions, values, positioning, to create a holistic communication model and vision for further development and international cooperation. The program is implemented by the This is Craft platform with the support of donors, together with experts and specialized NGOs. The program has been in effect since May 2023..

Support IT'S CRAFT

If you want to support the activities of the IT'S CRAFT Charitable Fund or a separate program, we will be grateful for your charitable contributions to the account on the following details:

For payments in UAH

Recipient: Charitable organization Charity Found THE ITS CRAFT
Recipient code: 44387657
Recipient's account: UA293052990000026000001101699
Purpose of payment: charitable contribution

Contacts of the director of Charitable organization Charity Found “IT'S CRAFT”:

Kulakova Viktoria Viktorivna