As part of its victory in The Makers Innovation Award, the Tse Kraft Charitable Foundation is implementing the project "Mythologizing Trypillia" and a second educational trip to Vinnytsia region on June 17-19. 


The event is aimed at creating an environment for the development of creativity and professional skills of participants through educational trips aimed at learning various traditional Ukrainian crafts. It also aims to create conditions for the restoration of small communities based on tangible and intangible cultural heritage.


The trip was attended by 32 people from the sectors of making, business, local government, design, media, and project management:

  1. Bas Svitlana. Mankivka Children's Art School. Mankivka.
  2. Baranova Tetiana. LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL. Rayhorod.
  3. Belenchuk Sofia. Student. Khmelnytskyi.
  4. Hekaliuk Liudmyla. Department of Tourism of Uman City Council. Uman.
  5. Hnatiuk Olha. Department of Economics of Haysyn City Council. Haysyn.
  6. Goncharova Nataliia. Freelance: graphic design, illustration. Kyiv.
  7. Horban Olha. INDIVIDUAL ENTREPRENEUR. Bila Tserkva.
  8. Demchenko Svitlana. Municipal Institution "Vapnyarka Center for Culture and Leisure". Vapnyarka.
  9. Natalia Derlytsia. Judge of modern decor. Vinnytsia.
  10. Drach Anzhela. Master of folk art, member of the Union of Folk Masters of Ukraine. Buky.
  11. Ignatova Kristina. Secret Garden jewelry. Kyiv.
  12. Kizian Ioanna. Ceramics, master classes. Beech trees.
  13. Ksenia Kluban. TheaSmart educational games for children. Vinnytsia.
  14. Korovaeva Bohdana. Center for Out-of-School Education. Chernihiv.
  15. Kulyk Yevhen. Glukhiv vocational school. Hlukhiv.
  16. Linetska Yana. Entrepreneur. Monastyryshche.
  17. Lutsenko Natalia. Maker, artist. Vinnytsia.
  18. Maslovska Alyona. Vapnyarka public library. Vapnyarka.
  19. Muzychenko Iryna. INDIVIDUAL ENTREPRENEUR. Lukashivka.
  20. The formerly owned by Liudmyla. Knyazhekrynytsia SBC. Knyazhekrynytsia.
  21. Nehoda Natalia. Department of Culture of the Uman City Council. Uman.
  22. Nikolaeva Victoria. Art space "Ethno Magic". Vinnytsia.
  23. Ostapenko Olha. Ethno-space "Ostap's Manor". Knyazha Krynytsia.
  24. Panchuk Olena. Individual entrepreneur, creation of toys. Khmelnytskyi.
  25. Natalia Podrez. NP_Truffles workshop. Vinnytsia.
  26. Yulia Polishchuk. Bureau of landscape design. Vinnytsia.
  27. Poplavska Victoria. Workshop "Free Thread". Vyshgorod.
  28. Tetiana Poplinska. NGO "Tourist Yampil Region". Yampil.
  29. Sevastianova Nina. School of crafts "Ladosvit". Maliivka.
  30. Tomashchuk Yulia. MEDIA. Rayhorod.
  31. Oksana Shyroka. NGO "Student Community Development Center". Student.
  32. Yashyshena Tetiana. INDIVIDUAL ENTREPRENEUR. Rehabilitation center "Harmony". Vinnytsia.


During the three days of the educational trip, they visited places of folk crafts, museums, workshops, and places of power in Vinnytsia region.


June 17

The trip started in Uman, from where the participants traveled to the village of Kryshchyntsi in Tulchyn district. There they got acquainted with the pottery art of the family of Serhii and Svitlana Pohontsiv. The village of Kryshchyntsi is known for its ancient pottery traditions and pottery masters. A former mechanical engineer and an accountant are reviving the famous Kryshchyntsi ceramic bowls, painted with angobas and covered with transparent glaze. The participants visited the workshop, where they saw and heard how the dishes are made, and also visited the house to see the finished works. The Pogonets family is known not only in Ukraine but also abroad, where they are often invited to events dedicated to crafts. They have already visited Romania, Moldova, Turkey, and other countries.


The next location was Tulchyn and its interesting places. The participants visited the Tulchyn Professional College of Culture, an educational institution with established traditions and rich creative and pedagogical potential. Here you can get a degree in Fine Arts, Decorative Arts, and Restoration. Graduates are able to develop and implement creative projects; they can work in the field of fine arts, decorative arts, restoration, and individual artistic activity. The participants listened to a lecture on the basics of composition using Trypillian ornamentation as an example, joined a master class on creating their own gingerbread ornaments, and visited an exhibition of works by local artists, students, and craftsmen on display at the Potocki Palace.



We also visited Mykola Leontovych's museum-apartment, the home of the legendary melody that has become a symbol of Christmas around the world. The legendary composer lived and worked within these walls from 1908 to 1921. The house simultaneously preserves the coziness and creative spirit in two memorial rooms and informativeness in a modern exhibition hall.


June 18

In the morning, the participants of the educational trip went to the village of Hnatkiv, Tomashpilska village community. There they were met by master Anatolii, who founded the only museum of carpentry in Ukraine that has no analogues. The man has collected a huge variety of tools for working with wood: planes, chisels, tongue and groove, figurines, mallets, keying and much more. Participants had the opportunity to try working with them and see Anatoliy's finished works.

Next, we visited the picturesque village of Stina. It was here that Yurii Stepanets from Vinnytsia, who has long been working on environmental projects, founded the VERETA eco-center in March 2020. Local craftswomen use traditional looms to give new life to old things by recycling the remains of textile production. The craftswomen modernize the old craft, giving it a new lease of life, changing designs while preserving authenticity. They cooperate with charitable initiatives, such as SkyUp airline, and with the famous Ukrainian designer Ksenia Schneider, who showed the world a whole collection of woven products from Stina at London Fashion Week.

The fame of Klembiv embroidery has long been known around the world, so the next stop was Klembivka. The participants hurried to see the phenomenon of the village, where embroiderers were in almost every house. Klembivska folk embroidery has a holistic and multifaceted ornamental tradition, which is a product of the original ethnic culture of Podillia in particular and the Ukrainian people in general. We watched a documentary, met with embroiderers who have been preserving the subtleties of the craft and its symbolism for many years, and joined a master class in embroidery.

At the end of the day, they visited the Yampil Museum of Fine Arts. The museum's exposition features traditional crafts of the Yampil region: embroidery, Easter eggs, weaving from the villages of Klembivka, Dzygivka, Tsekynivka, Pysarivka, Dovzhky and others. We joined a master class by Olesia Stoyan, who demonstrated the technology of making etched Easter eggs. Over the 4 years of her creative activity, Olesia has achieved significant success and even painted 9 sets of eggs for the President's office.

June 19

The participants spent a day in the place of power - in the village of Busha, Yampolsky district. The Busha State Historical and Cultural Reserve was created here on the basis of a complex of cultural heritage sites. The participants visited the open-air stone sculpture park, Podilska Hata, the Art Museum, and the Rock Monastery. The Weaving Museum was the highlight of the trip, as the participants not only enjoyed the space with looms, carpets, spindles, and towels, but also experienced the weaving craft by trying to work at the loom.


The trip ended with a visit to the artist Svitlana Taurus at Art Ladder. The Vinnytsia resident has created a gallery here, and a house with a fireplace and much, much more, all planted with lavender, with a calm and creative light energy. 



This educational trip has become a real inspiration for the participants, revealing to them the subtleties and beauty of traditional Ukrainian crafts. They return with new ideas, impressions and rethinking of their activities, which will contribute to the development of their creative and professional skills. The trip has become an important step in preserving and restoring Ukraine's cultural heritage, engaging new generations in traditional crafts and contributing to the development of small communities. 


The project "Mythologization of Trypillia" is being implemented by the #FundTseKraft in cooperation with #ARRTOTG and the communities of the #Ways of the Trypillian Motherland cluster as part of the Makers Innovation Award.


The "Makers Innovation Award" is organized by @betterplacelab and Future Challenges within the framework of the #TOLOCAR project, funded by the German Government @bmz_bund and implemented by GIZ with the support of At Stake gGmbH in close cooperation with Ukrainian and international partners.