Personalities of IT'S CRAFT

The founders of IT'S CRAFT are the team of the Agency of Regional Development of the Tavria Union of Territorial Communities: Pavlo Yarmii - an expert in investment attraction and strategic development and Viktoriya Kulakova - a coach for starting your own business, an expert in branding and a graphic designer. We created IT'S CRAFT in the spring of 2020 when the whole world changed its orientation, was able to lead a normal life, and when small businesses and many people lost the opportunity to conduct entrepreneurial and creative activities.

Our values
Local and craft products are made from Ukrainian natural raw materials, according to original, authentic (historically tied to the territory), or traditional Ukrainian methods and recipes. Our team selects the highest quality products of what we value and choose for our lives: the tastiest natural food products, aesthetic souvenirs, designer interior items and goods from local raw materials and materials. This is how we support the development of Ukraine and Ukrainian manufacturers.

IT'S CRAFT is a place for those who want to promote their own products and art in their homeland and who share our values.

We form a culture of consumption and appreciation of high-quality products and art objects in Ukraine.

We praise the Creators because people, who realize their dreams, create a new happy world.